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Thai Network Information Center (THNIC) Foundation is pleased to host the 1st BKNIX Peering Forum (BPF) in Bangkok, Thailand on 09 -10 May 2016. The event will bring together managers, engineers and business decision makers from both local and international ISPs, IXPs, CDNs, IDCs, Cloud and Interconnection Service Providers for two days of meetings, presentations, and networking events. This event will provide great opportunities for those who make peering and interconnection decisions for their network.
25 January 2016 | Posted by Admin

11 January 2016
at Office of the Higher Education Commission, 6th Floor Meeting Room 1
This meeting was held for members to exchange ideas and obtain recommendation and other feedbacks from the users of the BKNIX system. Discussion was also held for the next steps.


11 January 2016 | Posted by Admin

We appreciate cooperation with RIPE NCC (RIPE Network Coordination Centre) distributing RIPE Atlas probe that be a part of RIPE Atlas project.
In addition, BKNIX would like to improve Internet quality in Thailand. we contribute probes hosting (BKNIX's probes) and also participate in the Internet measurement .

If you want to apply for a probe, please fell free to contact

About RIPE Atlas (Click)
How to host a RIPE Atlas Probe (Click)
30 October 2015 | Posted by Admin

13 October 2015
at FabCafe Bangkok
The first BKNIX meeting and dinner talk was held for members to exchange ideas and obtain recommendation and other feedbacks from the users of the BKNIX system. Discussion was also held for the next steps.
On this occasion, we feel honoured to welcome Mr.Bayani Benjamin Lara and Mr.Rod James Bio, our special guests, from Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI) who joined the meeting and shared their experience on PhOpenIX and the Internet in the Philippines.

13 October 2015 | Posted by Admin

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