To use services such as the BKNIX NTP server, RPKI server, without going through a transit provider, you should peer with BKNIX Services AS, 63528.
When you have made your arrangements with the BKNIX administrative process, you should have received credentials to access your account on the BKNIX IXP-Manager with your registered email. Here is the Documentation for IXP-Manager
When your network has reachability with BKNIX peering LAN, you can configure your router to peer with the BKNIX Route Servers.
Announcing your prefixes to the BKNIX Route Servers
Register in the IRR(Mandatory)
Peers filter uses the Internet Routing Registries, or the RPKI. To register, choose which IRR instance you want and then register there. Here are a few of the more common alternatives.
For cryptographically secure resource validation, you should register in the Resource Public Key Infrastructure. You need to use the registry from which you acquired your address space; for Thai address holders, this is usually APNIC.
Once you have registered your prefixes and they have satisfied incoming prefixes filtering, BKNIX Route Servers will propagate your prefixes to other RS clients.
Receiving your peers' announcements from the BKNIX Route Servers
To get accurate time (for logging etc.) you should be a client of a number of NTP servers. BKNIX provides a local accurate stratum-1 server for you to add to your server list.